EnTREE #1 - Welcome to The Log

Hello, I’m so happy you’re here! After years of meticulous work, I’ve decided my skills as a builder are as applicable to AWS and cloud as they are to dams, so I’m moving away from the bog and into a blog. Together, we’ll explore the not-as-scary-as-you-think world of AWS, beyond the “Hello World” and cookiecutter examples to explore real-life scenarios. We’ll cover everything from serverless tools and technologies, to large-scale containerization, complex integrations with services like SQS, security difficulties beyond IAM with Config, WAF, and Cedar, extra “tools” that can make your life easier like Lambda Powertools, and so, so much more. Whether you work in the open source world independently, on a small team, or in a large enterprise, this space is for you. We recommend you use the AWS documentation as a starting point, and use Teach Me as a supplemental space to dig deeper.

Before I go any further, a quick word from our sponsors!

Thanks Blake! We just wanted to take a quick second to say hello to you all, and introduce ourselves properly :)

We’re Kristi Perreault and Matt Coulter, the two AWS Heroes behind the voice of Blake the Beaver.

Matt and Kristi

Between the two of us, we have over 15 years of AWS cloud experience, everything from building & architecting in the cloud, development in DevOps & adoption at scale, working in the open source community spaces, speaking, keynoting, blogging, book writing, and event organizing. Over the years, we have come to realize there are many “how-to guides” and “getting started” posts out there, educational spaces for certifications or high-level constructs and topics, but it’s bothered us how little is really out there for “the real world.” When you start talking specifics, the answers get more and more vague, and lead more and more to just saying, “well, it depends.” And in some cases, yes, it does…but does it? There’s so much more guidance we can provide, and we think what exists out there so far has barely scratched the surface.

We hope you join us (and Blake) as we carve out this space for engineers, architects, and business professionals. This may be starting out as Blake’s Log, but we have big plans for more content & offerings coming soon. We’re looking forward to working with you!

Alright, now that we got that out of the way…keep your eyes on this space for regular updates, and don’t forget to sign up for our waitlist to find out more soon!

Your trusty pal, Blake